Interesting article about the state of the Music industry and Apple. This all smack dab in the middle of the Apple love fest going on at the Moscone center in SF.
The Inevitable Death of DRM
Poses some interesting thoughts about Apple's dominance of this market and what that means for competition.
one of the most frustrating things about an iPod is the closed architecture of the device...if someone comes along with a better mousetrap, I am stuck, because I have invested in Apple's solution, which wont allow me to port my music over.
Also....I totally want the new iPhone ;)
I'm ready, willing and able to plunk down $600 and most likely pay the $175 changeover fee to Cingular to get this phone. I already plan on owning a version 1.0. I really hope it comes with the 'new phone every two years' deal from Cingular.
whitepants, such a slave to fashion.
I think the coolest feature of the phone is the ability to "flip" through your CDs via their album pictures. see it in action here.. it's like flipping through the CD jukebox at Finnie's, except without the beer and friends and pool and Chili and "Don't call me Honey" and that golf game and all those 25-year-old med students who made us feel old.
MSNBC's Brian Williams on the iPhone (emphasis mine):
"Electro-geeks (and a good many law-abiding, Luddite-leaning civilians) are atwitter over Steve Jobs' newest reason for us all to throw away our expensive, tricked-out iPods. The new iPhone was unveiled yesterday (full disclosure: I am a religious iPod user and a Mac laptop owner) and the reaction from my most clued-in friend on all things technological is this: If you drop it, you ruin your life. Thus the financial clamp of the dreaded service agreement. The very same screen intended as a touch-screen you must then use to view video -- fingerprints notwithstanding. Also, no one is raising the elephant in the room: the face goo that can often collect and mar the surface of any phone. That almost crosses the TMI line in personal electronics reviews, I know, but someone had to say it. I'm sure it's a cool device, while perhaps not for everyone."
Does anyone want to comment about the DRM article ;)
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